Spiritual Dictionary



Affirmations are declarations of our worthiest goals and our sacred responsibilities to ourselves; repeating them often enough so that our subconscious mind would accept them as fact and guide our behaviour accordingly is what makes affirmations a powerful spiritual tool that anyone can use. Through affirmations we can declare ourselves healthier, stronger, more positive, more successful, kinder, more patient, more confident, more courageous, more responsible, more spiritually attuned – whatever will help us love ourselves more.

Akashic Records

Akashic Records are the entire body of God’s knowledge, laws and memories; a collection of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intents ever to have occurred in the past, present or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are imprinted on the ether of every planet, solar system and galaxy, and exist in written form in the Hall of Records on the Other Side.


Angels are ethereal, divine spiritual beings; they are celestial intermediaries between God and humanity; they protect us from harm, save lives, bring us messages, perform miracles, or infuse us with moments of love, joy, comfort or hope; they are able to take human form to accomplish brief missions here on Earth; they communicate telepathically; we also have angels assigned to us for our incarnation on Earth.

Astral Travel

Astral travel occurs when our spirit takes a break from our body. We routinely astral travel when we sleep; we meet with loved ones both living and departed from this life and past lives; we visit places we love or check up on people we miss or are worried about. Astral travel is usually mistaken for dreams but there are ways to tell them apart: if we dream we are flying without any external means, events unfold in a logical order, and we are not only part of the events but actually view ourselves in them, it is an astral experience.


According to Plato, 11,000 years ago, there was a continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean called Atlantis. Its population was wealthy, sophisticated and powerful, thriving through a vast array of natural resources, extensive commerce with Europe and Africa and a uniquely nurturing climate. The idyllic lives of the Atlanteans became insidiously infected with the corruption of greed, lust and an insatiable hunger for power which led to the continent’s demise. It is predicted that both Atlantis and its Indian Ocean counterpart, Lemuria, will reappear again someday.


Aura is a multi-layered energy field around us that extends beyond our bodies; it has two main functions: to protect us from energies in the environment that might harm us and to pull in resonant energies that support and harmonize all the energies in our bodies.


There is duality in every aspect of the universe and that includes the Creator. There is a Mother God called Azna; she is the counterpart of the Father. Father God is the intellect of creation; Mother God is the emotion. Without the all-knowing, all-perfect intellect of the Father, we would be pure emotion. Without Azna, we would be pure intellect, without the instinctive empathy that tells us when a hand needs to be held or a comforting hug offered.

Cell memory

Cell Memory is the total body of knowledge our spirit mind has gathered during all our past lives. The instant our spirit mind enters our physical body for a new incarnation, it is flooded with the familiarity of being in a body and all the memories and sensations come rushing back. Our cells continue to react physiologically to all the memories from this life and previous ones that our spirit mind infuses them with, whether our conscious mind is aware of those memories or not.


Chakras are found in our aura; they are energy centres. There are seven main chakras (Crown, Brow, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root), each of them corresponding to a major endocrine gland in the body and each of them controlling specific physical areas and functions. The crown chakra corresponds to the pineal gland, the brow chakra to the pituitary gland, the throat chakra to the thyroid gland, the heart chakra to the thymus gland, the solar plexus to the pancreas, the sacral chakra to the gonads and the root chakra to the adrenal glands.


It is believed that before we incarnate, we write a detailed chart of our goals; we include our intended purpose, we choose our date and place of birth, our family members, our spirit guide(s), etc. We arrive on Earth with free will with countless choices surrounding every detail. A charted life is a life full of options; our lives aren’t measured by what we are confronted with but by how we deal with what we are confronted with.


Clairalience or clear smelling is the ability to pick up smells that are beyond what is in the physical world; it is a type of psychic skill.


Clairaudience or clear hearing is the ability to hear things that originate in another dimension; it is a type of psychic skill. It is an inner hearing that sounds like when we are reading silently to ourselves.


Claircognizance or clear knowing is an inner knowing when we know something but there is no logical explanation for how we know it; it is a type of psychic skill. This sense of knowing can be very strong and can come in the form of intuitive thoughts that just pop into our head out of the blue.


Clairsentience or clear feeling is the ability to receive and actually experience the physical and emotional projections of those from both other dimensions and this one; it is a type of psychic skill. Clairsentience is basically heightened empathy and those who are clairsentient can easily become drained, overexposed and overwhelmed. Protection tools are essential for clairsentient people.


Clairvoyance or clear seeing is the ability to see beings, objects or information that originate in another dimension; it is a type of psychic skill. It is an inner seeing that takes place in our mind’s eye.


Coincidence is having a thought and seeing it manifest itself shortly after the thought has occurred. In the context of our chart, it means we foresee an event we wrote shortly before the event occurs; for an instant or two we have a fleeting but crystal-clear memory of the chart we wrote while we were on the Other Side, preparing to come here. Coincidences are confirmation that we and our chart are in perfect synch.

The Council

The Council is also known as the Elders or Master Teachers; they are advanced spirits with responsibilities that profoundly affect both life on the Other Side and life here on Earth. The Council can intervene in our chart mid-emergency when they know the outcome will be devoted to God’s greatest good. They are familiar with our chart and provide guidance before we leave the Other Side to come here. It’s their responsibility based on the difficulty we have charted for ourselves to assign specific angels who will watch over and protect us until we are safely on the Other Side again.

The Dark Side

The Dark Side exists in both human and spirit form; made up of those who have rejected God and the laws of humanity, integrity, compassion and love. They have no conscience, no genuine remorse and no sense of responsibility for their actions. The goal of a dark entity is to extinguish a white entity’s light, since darkness cannot exist where there is light. They don’t necessarily try to destroy a white entity physically, more often they simply create as much emotional turbulence, self-doubt, guilt and depression as possible. The one area in which the Dark Side can be of use to white entities is teaching us the wisdom of knowing when to walk away.

Déjà Vu

There are two kinds of déjà vu. The first kind occurs when we visit a certain place we have never been before, or meet with certain people we have never met before, and suddenly we realize they seem very familiar. This intense familiarity is our spirit’s memories of a past life. The second kind of déjà vu consists of a moment in which every detail is so familiar that we are sure we are reliving an exact duplicate of a moment from our past. Instead, we are experiencing a spirit memory of a tiny familiar detail from the chart we had created on the Other Side before we were born; it is an affirmation that we are in perfect synch with our chart.


Devas are nature spirits, the Life Forces pulsing through nature. In Sanskrit deva means Being of Light; devas are the responsive intelligence infused into matter – matter is energy organised into different arrangements or patterns and layers of density; devas are in service to the planet and all life.


Dharma consists of natural universal laws whose observance enables humans to be content and happy; the moral law combined with spiritual discipline that guides one’s life.


Divination is a form of energetic communication; the ancient practice of seeking knowledge, guidance, messages and inspiration from spirit or higher consciousness. Methods of divination include astrology, automatic writing, card reading, clairaudience, clairvoyance, dowsing, dream interpretation, graphology, numerology, palmistry, precognition, psychometry, rune casting, scrying, tea leaves reading, etc.


Dreams are a way our subconscious mind expresses itself while we sleep; they can include images, thoughts, emotions and sensations. Categories of dreams include release dreams, wish dreams, prophetic dreams, and information or problem-solving dreams.


Elementals are spirits of nature inhabiting the four elements: earth, water, air and fire. The four categories of elementals are gnomes, undines, sylphs and salamanders, and they correspond to the above-mentioned four elements, respectively. Some examples of elementals include fairies, elves, leprechauns, pixies and mermaids; they maintain our world’s balance by guarding it and harmonizing with each other.

Father God

There is duality in every aspect of the universe and that includes the Creator. Father God is the intellect of creation; Mother God is the emotion. Father God is omnipotent, perfect, all-loving and all-knowing; Mother God is nurturing and harmonizing, the keeper of life.


When people die their spirits usually go to the Other Side or other realms but in some cases some spirits get stranded here, caught between the lower vibrational level we exist here on Earth and the much higher frequency level of the Other Side; they mostly stay here because of passion or fear; they don’t know they are dead.


Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration; a procedure by which the subconscious mind can be accessed. Regressive hypnosis is a method primarily used to help better understand past experiences that could affect one’s emotional reactions in the present.


Imprints are an intensely concentrated pocket of energy; a site at which some dramatic event has taken place and the images and emotions from that event have become a part of the land and the atmosphere.

Infused Knowledge

Infused knowledge is mind-to-mind communication; the receiver of the information has no conscious awareness of where the information came from. This is the most common way the spirit world communicates with us on Earth.


Karma in Sanskrit means an action, work or deed, and its effect or consequences. Karma is energy; the energy created by our actions is stored within our memories and desires and is activated sometimes immediately but more often at some future time. Karma, in simple terms, can be viewed as a balance of experiences; we get back what we give. As we grow and evolve spiritually, we can break out of the cycles and release karma. Releasing karma doesn’t mean we lose all our memories and desires, it means we lose our attachment to them and are no longer held under their influence so that we can consciously choose the life we want to lead.

Karmic Relationship

Karmic relationships are based on past life connections; they are formed when we meet someone who has played a significant role in our previous life/lives; we reconnect with them again in this particular life to complete an unfinished deed, business or an emotional trauma; the karmic partner acts as a soul who has reunited with us to teach us an important life lesson.

Kindred Soul

Kindred Soul is someone we have met in other life/lives and/or realms. Sometimes when we meet a complete stranger, we might feel an instant familiarity; this familiarity can be a springboard for another earthly relationship as friends, spouses, family members, business associates, etc. Humans are growth-seeking beings constantly in search of someone with whom they share similar psychology; kindred souls serve this purpose and act as motivators along the way.

Life Cord

Life Cord, also known as silver cord, is an etheric energy thread that extends from our heart chakra and nourishes our spirit while we are here on Earth. If the life cord is severed, the physical body can no longer be sustained and dies.


Medium is a person who is able to see, hear and experience spirits from other dimensions who are at different frequency levels than ours on Earth; they are able to act as a messenger between the physical world and the spirit world.

Psychic Attack

A psychic attack targets our mind, our self-confidence, our hope and our sense of power; it drains us of enough energy even to try to pull ourselves out of it; we rarely see a psychic attack coming or know what brought it on which can make us feel even more helpless. The dark entities of the Dark Side attack us psychically in order to make us so emotionally powerless that we lose our self-confidence, optimism, humour, joy, enthusiasm and even our faith in God’s unconditional love for us. What we can do is to remind ourselves that those discouraging insults in our mind are not the truth at all.


Reincarnation is the belief that the spirit survives the death of the body and returns to recurring lifetimes in a variety of chosen circumstances and bodies for the purpose of the growth and learning of the soul.

Soul Family

Soul Family is a group of like-minded people who love, nurture, support, protect and help us to reach our spiritual goals; members of a soul family share similar frequency levels. Signs we have met are soul family are: they wish the best for us, we are drawn towards them, we feel happy from within, our soul is at peace in their presence, the eye contact is intriguing, we have similar stories to tell, and we feel understood around them.

Spirit Guide

A spirit guide is an entity that remains as a discarnate spirit to act as a guide to a living incarnated human being. Some spirit guides have lived many former lifetimes while others are not of human descent. They are our companion while we are here on Earth; their job is to advise and support us toward the goals we have set for ourselves in this incarnation; they do not interfere with the choices and decisions we make; they offer us alternatives and warnings though; they are not there to shield us from the lessons we need to learn; they communicate with us in many ways such as telepathy or infused knowledge; the more we communicate with our spirit guide(s), the more effective they can be in helping us along our path.


Spirit is the nonphysical essence of a being or entity; it is often regarded as immortal. We are all spirits; some of us are currently inhabiting a body while others of us are not at the moment.


Synchronicity is a concept first introduced by psychologist Carl G. Jung to describe circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection. It is an especially meaningful coincidence and usually involves some kind of unmistakable physical sign to call our attention to the magical harmony of the universe and to give us tangible proof that we are exactly where we had charted ourselves to be, exactly when and exactly with whom.


Telepathy is passing of information, knowledge or feelings from one person or entity to another without using the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell; residents of the spirit world are very adept at telepathy.


Totem is an animal spirit guide; before we incarnate, we choose any member of the animal kingdom to be our loyal and constant companion and to guard over us while we are here on Earth. Totems can reveal themselves to us in a number of ways; the most obvious is if there is a particular animal we find ourselves drawn to or fascinated by, whether or not we have ever seen one in person.

White Light

White Lights is God’s sacred aura; it is at our disposal whenever we need it; we can surround ourselves with it mentally to protect ourselves. It is the Light in the core of our being that unites us all.



Browne, S. and Harrison, L. (2006). Phenomenon: Everything You Need to Know About the Paranormal. New York: New American Library.

Mindvalley. (2019). Mindvalley | The World’s Leading Personal Growth Platform. [online] Available at: https://www.mindvalley.com/.

The Chopra Center. (2019). The Chopra Center. [online] Available at: https://chopra.com/.